Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rice flour Roti


Rice flour 2 Cups
Finely cut onions 2 Tbl Spn
Fresh coconut 2 Tbl Spn
Crushed ground nuts and roasted gram 1 Tbl Spn
Chopped green chillies 2 Tsp
Salt and Oil As required


In a broad vessel put rice flour, salt, finely cut onions, fresh coconut, crushed nuts and 1 tbl spn oil and mix well. In a vessel boil one cup of water. Mix the flour with that hot water. When it becomes cool, knead the flour with your hands. If necessary sprinkle little water and make it into stiff dough. Make it into medium size balls. Take a plythene paper. Greese it with oil . Keep one ball and make roti with your fingers. Keep a roti pan on stove. Put this roti on the pan. Put oil on the top and sides. Close it with a lid. Keep it in medium flame. After some time take the lid and turn the roti and add little water and fry it. Like that prepare all roties. Eat this when it is hot. Garlic chutney goes well with this roti.

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